The fluoride free mouthwash with 4 essential oils

No Fluo

With No Fluo, get a clean mouth AND a clear mind.



the fluoride free mouthwash with 4 essential oils

Most off the shelf oral hygiene solutions are prescribing clean teeth with a side of brain damage due to the ubiquitous inclusion of fluoride amongst the ingredients

Ever since I learned about the dangers of fluoride, sitting around a campfire at a wedding after which everyone camped in tents post party, I made it my mission to avoid putting it into my body as much as possible.

I began researching fluoride free mouthwash and toothpastes, and how to filter my drinking water, and from that day onwards, have gone out of my way to stick to using fluoride free products and water.

However, as soon as I settled on a brand that would cater for my fluoride free mouthwash and/or toothpaste needs, it would disappear. The product would no longer be on Amazon and the latest time this happened, I decided to create my own brand of fluoride free mouthwash. My goal was to cater primarily for my own needs, but then I thought, perhaps other people could benefit as well.



With No Fluo, get a clean mouth AND a clear mind.

It was key to me to be very transparent as to the ingredients used in the product, and that as well as there being no fluoride, there was also no alcohol – a fluoride alcohol free mouthwash.

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fluoride free mouthwash is a good idea

The purposeful addition of non-essential fluoride chemicals to reduce tooth decay is a hazard to health.

"Fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans," concludes the US HHS's National Toxicology Program (NTP) 's monograph, Systematic Review of Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects (Draft 9/6/2019). 


Although fluoride is naturally found in most water sources in low amounts, increased exposure to fluoride through its use as an additive in various products and consumables can result in various health issues for those involved. These include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety and ADHD.


Several studies have linked fluoride exposure to mitochondrial dysfunction, and in turn, there are various studies that have tied mental health outcomes to mitochondrial workings. Fluoride-related mitochondrial damage may result in structural changes, that are the catalyst for neuroinflammation, altered neurotransmitter levels, and disruptions to key signalling pathways.


Beyond mitochondrial issues, fluoride also has a specific effect on protein synthesis in the brain, entailing degenerative changes in the neurons, varying degrees of loss of grey matter, and changes in Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex. Other repercussions include; granular endoplasmic reticulum; chromatin clumping; damage to the nuclear membrane; and a decrease in the number of synapses, microtubules, and synaptic vesicles, as well as damage at the synaptic membrane level.


Studies performed on individuals who have been chronically exposed to fluoride via industrial contamination report that they have difficulties concentrating; certain aspects of their memory are altered, and they suffer fatigue and general malaise.


As also indicated by the NTP are the potential long-term neurotoxic effects on children who have been exposed during development, including decreased intelligence. There have been over 400 more fluoride/neurotoxic studies (including 50-plus using human subjects) that support the biological plausibility of this claim. 



it matters

When fluoride accumulates in the body, continuous exposure to it causes damaging effects on tissue, particularly the nervous system directly, even without any previous physical malformations

Several studies have reported that fluoride induces changes in cerebral morphology and biochemistry that affect the neurological development of individuals, and also cognitive processes, like learning and memory. Once fluoride crosses the blood-brain barrier, the semipermeable membrane designed to keep foreign substances out of the brain, it causes degeneration in certain regions of the brain, specifically the hippocampus (memory, learning, emotional regulation, regulating the stress response), neocortex (sensory perception, conscious thought, language skills), and cerebellum (coordination and balance).


We can even blame fluoride for lack of clarity of thought. Consumption nearly doubles the risk of developing hypothyroidism, otherwise known as an underactive thyroid. Fluoride binds with iodine receptors in the thyroid, displacing iodine. Without adequate iodine available, the thyroid can’t synthesize thyroid hormones. Issues with the thyroid can be symptomatic of brain fog, memory loss, lack of focus, depression and anxiety.


Guess what? There’s more. The next achievement that Fluoride can lay claim to is stunting melatonin production in the pineal gland. It accumulates fluoride easily, which affects melatonin production, contributing to insomnia, depression, and accelerated brain aging.

Melatonin acts ‘publicly’ as a sleep hormone, but behind closed doors, it is responsible for a lot more. It can counteract the damage of serious brain disorders, including dementia and Alzheimer’s, and works at least as well as antidepressant medications and is particularly useful for seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


Therefore avoidance of toothpaste and items that contain fluoride, particularly in children as they are more susceptible to the toxic effect, is key. This is even more important when the indirect impact of fluoride consumption is considered, in terms of how it can act as a catalyst of other damaging materials to perforate human defences. Alzheimer’s patients have higher than normal concentrations of neurotoxic aluminium in their brains. When aluminium comes into contact with fluoride, it hitches a ride into the brain as aluminium fluoride, bypassing the blood-brain barrier, the semipermeable membrane designed to keep foreign substances out of the brain.


Another example is if the water supply to your house contains lead piping, or is delivered by chrome-plated taps, as lead is another aggressive neurotoxin, then this is a recipe for a problem. Fluoridated water attaches to lead, and upon consumption, lead poisoning can manifest as memory loss, mood disorders, lowered IQ, and learning disabilities.

No Fluo fluoride free mouthwash

No Fluo

No Fluo, the fluoride free mouthwash with 4 essential oils